Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Day of Firsts!

So today I found a coupon for a free sitting and collage at Sear's (I know, they just use those to suck you in...but I came in fairly prepared!). So I took Aurora for her first professional photos! It went pretty well, and the pictures came out ADORABLE.
After stopping by the base to show the pictures to hubs, we headed to the mandatory hurricane meeting (because living in Key West, well, those things tend to happen a lot). During the meeting Aurora was playing around...and she stood up and walked. Not far, but it was 2-3 steps! I gasped, tears welled up, and I choked out "She's never done that before!!"
I'm SO proud of her! It's only a matter of time now. Seems like I can't put off totally baby-proofing the house much longer!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Menu Plan...Tuesday?

Since the commissary is closed on Mondays, I am going to start doing my menu planning/grocery shopping posts on Tuesdays because, well, that's when I go shopping anyway. So! Here is my plan for the week:



Leftovers (hubs has 24hr duty)

Sweet and sour pork chops


Leftovers (hubs has duty again)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Time for Action!

We got our leave chit approved so it is time to set the gears in motion for the princess's birthday! Since snail mail is soooooo 1990's (and I don't have everyone's addresses) I posted an invitation on Facebook, called my mother to let her know we would be up, and started worrying over how exactly to theme it.
I'm thinking Princess/Dora. (She had a movie where she was a princess, right? RIGHT??) So I'll order a cake from either Publix or Winn-Dixie, find some decorations online, and commence panicking!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dare I?

I'm considering making Aurora's cake.
Yes, you read that right. I'd of course use a cake mix, because I absolutely fail at baking without the boxed stuff. And even then I typically find a way to have a wet middle and a burnt outside. But I figure if I practice enough and can get ahold of something like this or this, I may be able to pull it off. However in the end it may be a better idea to just buy a cake from Winn-Dixie...we'll have to see.
This site has given me good ideas for her party. I think I can finally (somewhat) relax about it--now we just have to wait and see if the hubs gets his leave chit approved!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Your Baby Can Read and Birthday Parties

So I have been having Aurora watch Your Baby Can Read as of late, and she really seems to enjoy it. She especially loves when the songs come on; she loves to dance to Itsy Bitsy Spider! She also has started waving when "wave" comes on the screen :)
So next month my baby girl turns 1 year old! I am trying to figure out exactly what to do for her birthday. I know to get the traditional smash cake for her, but other than that I don't know really what to do. I figure have food for the guests of course, maybe a little play pool for her and any friends to play in, but are there really any party games you can play with a 1 year old? She loves Dora so that's what I'm going to theme her party as. Other than that, I'm kind of at a loss. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm bad about that...

So I realize it's been almost 6 months since I last I figure it might be a good time to update this. As of now my little punkin can walk (though still unsteadily) while only holding onto one of my fingers. It's only a matter of time now!
In slacking off on my blog, I've also slacked off on the weekly meal planning. Not good! We got back to eating out much more than we should, therefore driving up the bills. Time to refocus and regroup! Now to hunt up some cheap and healthy meals...I'm hoping to lose about 15lbs by the time Aurora's birthday (June 28th!) rolls around. We'll see how this goes!
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